The Politics of Distraction

In the interest of full disclosure, I am not an expert when it comes to political debates. I do not have some magical ability to be able to determine how someone did or whether they “won” the debate or not. However, I do know when I see blatant stupidity. This is one of those times.

How does one compensate for when a presidential candidate loses a debate and performs poorly? The said person’s campaign screams, “They cheated!” as long and loud as possible to distract from that fact that said person did quite poorly in the debate.

Such is the case, in the recent “civil” Non-Debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. This was not even a debate at all, but rather a “supposed” interview between a so-called Pastor Rick Warren and the presidential candidates for President of the United States. In the interest of full disclosure, I have little or no use for “Pastor” Rick Warren’s type of “Christianity for Dummies” style of Ministry. I made it through half of a chapter of his book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” and quickly realized that it was nothing more than Robert Schuller humanistic theology made palatable for Non-Reformist Christians.

However, the issue here at hand is. Did McCain cheat? McCain was in a motorcade coming to the event, which hardly qualifies as cheating. It seems to me that someone who was better prepared beat Obama, badly. That person was John McCain. I will let it be known, that I do not support John McCain for President of the United States. However, for Obama to infer that McCain cheated shows that Obama is not someone who is even remotely ready for the office of President of The United States. He lacks the talent, He lacks the experience, and he lacks the ability to debate his positions.

Those who agree with me are Hot Air, Megan McArdle, Right Wing Watch,

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