Gallup polls shows no dent in Obama’s lead

The latest Gallup poll shows that Obama still holds a 7 point lead over John McCain.

The charts tell the story:



Now one must keep in mind that these polls were taken before Sarah Palin gave her speech at the Republican National Convention. However it does indicate that the Republican Party is not making much of a dent in Obama’s lead. If I were one of those professional speculators, and I’m not, I would possibly say something to the effect that the Republicans are selling a message that the American people are simply not buying, and this could possibly very well be the case.

However I will simply say this, Sarah Palin gave one hell of a speech last night and I believe that she is going to connect with a certain segment of society. The segment of society that she will connect with, will be the white suburbanite soccer mom part of society. However she will not connect withe the struggling single mom with three kids who can’t seem to find a job in the inner city of Detroit. But she will connect with the white Christians suburbanite mother who drives her child to school every day.

I will be interested to see the new polls after this speech once they are released.

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