Is Obama “uppity”?

Oh boy, here we go with a racial slurs again.

According to a story on

Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term “uppity” to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday.

Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s speech with reporters outside the House chamber and was asked to compare her with Michelle Obama.

“Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they’re a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said.

Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”

Other Democrats have charged that the Republican campaign to paint the Illinois senator as an “elitist” is racially charged, and accused them of using code words for “uppity” without using the word itself.

Now I am absolutely sure that the media is gonna go absolutely crazy over this one.  But one has to realize something here, this man is from Georgia, and this sort of language and lingo is quite common in that part of the country when it comes to the discussion of blacks. However, it does not justify it at all.

A problem with this sort of a thing is that it plays into the narrative by the Democrats that the Republican Party is the party of racism.  When in fact the very opposite is the truth.  History does show that the white supremacist movement was very prevalent amongst the Democrats, and not the Republicans.

I am hoping that Westmoreland does offer an apology right away, because this sort of rhetoric is not needed nor desired in a election season such as this.

Furthermore, making statements such as this, only gives the race hustlers ammunition to lay claim to racial bias during this election period.

Update: Okay guys, wrong word. I blew it. Sue me. 🙄 😉 😛 😀

Others: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Washington Monthly, First Draft, Balloon Juice, Washington Post, Think Progress, The Edge of the American West, Pam’s House Blend and The Debate Link

8 Replies to “Is Obama “uppity”?”

  1. Might not be an epitaph. Epigraph, maybe. Possibly an epigram. Not an epitaph, though.

    Maybe an Epi-pen.

  2. So get past the bull and answer the question, are Barack and Michele uppity? Take yet another word, elitist, bring it down to pop culture and use uppity and you can sing it in a rap song but don’t be white and from the south and utter it.

    Somewhere I remember something about freedom of speech, not freedom FROM speech. If we continue down a path of editing dictionaries each time someone opens their mouth in any sort of way, we have greater risks than worrying about miniscule examinations by thought police.

  3. To call a Black American Uppity is almost as bad as using the “N” word! It implies that the individual has stepped above his or her place in society, or has apsirations of doing so. It also implies an overall attitude that is not subservient – code for appropirate! I find it extremely offensive. It scary that people have these feelings, and are not ashamed to have spoken them aloud, and in public. Being from Georgia is no excuse! It would be no less nor more of an insult if it had come from someone from another part of the country. It is time that we stop giving people the benefit of the doubt on these matters because it custom, or tradition.

  4. I would expect nothing less… than a person from middle Georgia to make such a comment that Mr. Westmoreland made Thursday. But I would expect more from a US Representative. There was a retailer in Marietta Georgia that used a Boy George “Monkey” to symbolize Obama in a public display outside his store. He like Mr. Westmoreland said it had nothing to do with race. These individual’s no longer have to hide behind a white sheet. It is sad that we can nominate a candidate for president but we still have people in Georgia that look at them by the color of there skin.

  5. Wow. Didn’t realize “uppity” could be racist. Being from the “north”(IL), it was always used as “snobby, stuck-up, conceited, condescending,etc. It applied to anyone, any race or color. Is everything taken as racist these days?? Give me a break people!!
    If a person is acting snobby, call it like it is. Everyone is looking for an excuse to be offended. People have a right to an opinion. When politicians talk as if they are the only ones who know what we think or what we want (or journalists, while we are at it) be they republican, democratic, or green party, they are being elitist know it alls and yes, uppity and condescending!

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