Sorry guys, I don’t buy it

I happen to be reading over at

It seems that Ed Morrissey was on the Northern Alliance Radio Network, and some guy, claiming to be a volunteer driver calls in and proceeds to tell them that MSNBC’s coverage was rigged, that MSNBC’s people basically lied about what they said on the air, and that Chris Matthew’s prescreened everyone, before interviewing them.

You can listen to the audio, by going here.

Okay, first of all, were any precautions taken to ensure that this guy was not some sort of crank caller? I highly doubt this.

Second of all, as much as I realize that MSNBC is now a left leaning network, mostly at night, this sort of “bottom of the barrel” type of scraping to find dirt on networks that don’t agree with your political ideologies is, quite frankly, childish and immature.

You think Fox News doesn’t pre-screen people on their network? Please. Don’t make me laugh.

If the Republican Bloggers want to be taken seriously by the rest of America, they need to focus on Blogging about factual issues that matter to people, and get away from this dirty flinging and gossip nonsense. Because when you do this, you become, as far as I am concerned, the Republican version of TMZ.COM.

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6 Replies to “Sorry guys, I don’t buy it”

  1. So, don’t buy it. Sounds pretty authentic to me. Think I heard this sort of thing before. When they were doing questions in the primary. Obama’s people are little more than criminal. Gutman was the council for the Weather Underground and Obama’s chief financial advisor. Who knew?

  2. I do buy it. MSNBC is completely in the tank for Obama. However, I also know that the Republicans do the same disgusting thing – there was plenty of proof that Frank Luntz rigged his “undecided voter” panels during the Republican debates – he got their input before filming and seated the ones he liked prominently and made sure to go to them during the Q and A. One of the “undecided” goons actually bragged about it on Freerepublic.

  3. I believe it. I’ve seen it happen. I was in the audience of a show called Talk Back Live on CNN and they did that exact same thing. During commercials they asked if anyone had a question. you would tell your question to the emcee, then when the show came back on the air Bobby Batista (the host then), would go to the person who’s question they “liked”. If it supported they view of what was being discussed.

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