Clearing the air on some stuff

  1. I have never been, nor would I ever be, affiliated with Pajama’s Media.
  2. Say Anything is a Blog that I have a account at and sometimes post there. It does not belong to me.
  3. Everything that is posted at this Blog is the opinion of myself and myself ALONE. It does not reflect the opinions of my sponsors.
  4. Last time I checked, the first amendment was still on the books. So, I do have a right to express myself as I see fit.
  5. I will not be intimidated by Communist liberals nor Crybaby “politically correct” so-called Conservatives.

We’re at war folks, and I intend to fight this war until my dying breath. We’re at war against terrorists that want to destroy this country and everything it stands for and we are war against godless liberals who hate the very values and freedoms that this Nation was founded upon.

I will not submit to a “Political Correct” fascist agenda, which wishes to restrict my freedoms.

You have been warned. 

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2 Replies to “Clearing the air on some stuff”

  1. For the record, Say Anything is my blog. I allow my readers to set up “reader blogs” for the sake of inviting different view points onto my blog.

    I’m not sure why anyone would give anyone else flak for posting there.

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