Two very good postings on the future of the Repubican Party.

First at the next right:

The rebuilding and renewal of the Right will start soon.  This will be very important.   The Right and the Republican Party are at an inflection point, and there are many directions things can go.   The destiny of the Right and the Republican Party will be determined in large part by the decisions you make in the days, weeks and months ahead.

  • Some of you will say “we have learned our lesson“, and then try to pass off cosmetic changes as Reform.  You are the problem.
  • Some of you will say “Republicans need to fight/hold Democrats accountable“, as if it is sufficient to be against Democrats.  The pendulum may eventually swing back to you, but you won’t know what to do with it.
  • Some of you will say “Republicans need to carry our message to the American people“, as if the problem is that Republicans haven’t been saying “tax cuts and limited government” loudly enough.  The problem is not the inability to communicate; the problem is that you have no idea how to actually deliver on those ideas.
  • Others will say “Republicans need to be more principled“, as if the problem is a mere lack of personal courage and principle by Republicans.  Even the best people can’t limit government if there is not an effective strategy for implementation – for getting “from here to there”.  You don’t need better people.  You need a better strategy.

The problem is not Republican politicians, although many Republicans politicians are a problem.  The problem is not with the basic ideals of limited government and personal freedom, either.  The problem is a movement that plays small-ball and cedes responsibility for infrastructure to business interests, leadership that rewards those who make friends rather than waves, an entrenched Party and Movement support system that mostly supports itself, an echo chamber that has rotted our intellect, a grassroots that is ill-equipped to shape the Republican Party, and a Republican Party that has replaced strategy with tactics, substance with marketing.

These problems can be fixed, but the fix is not cosmetic.  The rot is deep.  We do not need reformation of the Republican Party; we need transformation of the Republican Party.  That is going to require fresh blood, new ideas, new infrastructure…and perhaps more than a little time in the wilderness.

Also at Balloon Juice:

There was nothing that really summed up the idiocy of the GOP quite like Rick Davis and company passing out tire pressure gauges in an attempt to mock a common sense approach to dealing with one of many aspects of the energy crisis. I am sure it will surprise no one that the brain trust at Red State was issuing action alerts for this, too.

In short, America got seduced by the Republican sweet talk, we took them home into our bedroom for some good times, and instead of performance, it turns out the Republicans have a serious case of electile dysfunction. Rather than hold true to their “principles,” they chose to sit on the edge of the bed for eight years and tell us how good it was going to be, and we lost interest and fell asleep.

The only thing I have add to this is that the Republican Party was more interested in mocking Democrats than they were in offering alternative solutions. There are real problems is this world of ours and burying one’s head in the sand and living in a alternative universe is not going to help at all.  The problem was, nobody told the McCain campaign this or the Republican Party this. Because of this, we now have a Liberal President.

While Principles and ideology are great. In the real world, pragmatism goes a long way. The Republican Party needs to learn that, badly.