Memo to Michelle Malkin – Move on, please….

(H/T to

I knew this was going to happen… I am again forced to criticize Michelle Malkin. (or say the stuff that Ed and Allah want to say, but will not, because they do not want to get fired!)

In this Video Michelle is carping about the way that the Sarah Palin was treated and because John McCain didn’t jump on the sofa like Tom Cruise and scream to the top his lungs, “The EVIL Liberal destroyed my changes of being President! and My former campaign staffers are trashing her now, shame shame shame!”

Here’s the nail scratching the chalk board video:

However, this is what I heard the whole time I watched it:

I think if women, Conservative or Liberal want to be taken seriously in Politics, at least by this writer; they need to act like adults and not crybabies when things really don’t go their way.

I mean Michelle criticizes the homosexuals over prop 8 and tells them to move on. So, why doesn’t she practice what she preaches?  🙄

Just sayin’

One Reply to “Memo to Michelle Malkin – Move on, please….”

  1. There is an old saying, “Politics is not a game for amateurs…” I’m sure that Palin has a thicker skin that Malkin gives credit. We do not need to throw McCain under the bus to make Palin look better. I resent Malkin’s attitude and her comments. The only reason I voted republican was because of my admiration and loyalty to McCain.

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