
Oh brother… Here we go…. 🙄

Robert Stacy McCain is whining about no one linking to him.

I got one thing to say McCain…:

For the longest time, until I started whoring myself out to the folks over at Freedom’s Phoenix, I wasn’t getting shit for hits here.

McCain Yowls on here a bit:

That is to say, it’s not merely an oversight, or the fact that your blog sucks, or that blogospheric giants like Glenn Reynolds and Michelle Malkin get 2,000 e-mails a day from pesky little blogwhores begging for linkage. Rather, the bloggernoiac fears that there is some malevolent intent behind the non-linkage. In the rampant stage of this incurable disorder, the bloggernoiac may fear that other bloggers are talking behind his back, conspiring to deprive him of his righteous share of traffic.

Ya know McCain; I got one thing to say… fuck off. It just so happens that Malkin and Reynolds happen to be half decent bloggers. More so than your stupid ass-ed self, who doesn’t even go to Church on the right fucking day. Seventh Day Advents, Seventh Day Asshats is more like it. Fucking tool, does not even USE fucking WordPress and THEN bitches because no one pays attention to the fucktard.

He goes on:

“Is Ace angry that I stole his shtick with that last hobo joke?” or “Did my defense of Ann Coulter offend Charles Johnson?” Or, in the really dark moments of despair: “Has my utter shamelessness become so disgusting that people are embarrassed to link me?”

No, it could be that you are just some self-absorbed jackass and nobody wants to give you the fucking pleasure of masturbating while looking at in your incoming links. Ever thought of that, dicky?!?!

He ends it by saying:

You see why I’m paranoid?

Yeah, cause you’re a fucking douche bag, that’s why! 🙄

Some dickless wonder over there, commenting as “anonymous” said this:

I’d noticed over the past month or so that you don’t seem to be linked from Memeorandum as often. Bloggers find out about stuff through Memeorandum, so perhaps that’s the problem

Besides the fact that this unless fuck cannot grasp the idea of good grammar, the statement in itself has some merit. I am most likely the only blogger in the world, to have been banned from Memeorandum. It has to do with the fact that I basically told that faggot loving, San Francisco Liberal what I truly thought of his cockamamie Meme Tag scanner. So, yeah, he never scans me, ever; and you know what? I’m fucking glad as hell. The last thing I want is some asshat fucking idiot liberal coming to my fucking blog and acting like some fucking asshat idiot fucking tool, so he can run back to his faggot buddy liberal friends and tell them that he got a word in on a right wing blog, before I deleted it.

So, in closing, McCain, quite your fucking whining okay? Because I don’t wanna hear it. You get into my fucking shoes okay? and then come bitch to me.