Updated! Read the Update Please! A Wilsonian, Neo-Conservative Zionist Loon Blog attacks Pat Buchanan

They just cannot just leave Pat alone. Once again, the Wilsonian, Neo-Conservative, Zionists are on the rampage against Pat Buchanan:

Meanwhile, so-called “anti-jihad” bloggers continue to promote DeWinter and the Vlaams Belang, despite his longstanding alliances with Le Pen and American Jew-haters like Pat Buchanan, because his anti-Muslim bigotry agrees with theirs.

via Little Green Footballs – Le Pen Calls Nazi Gas Chambers ‘A Detail’ of WWII.

Why is Charles Johnson attacking Pat Buchanan? Because of this:


I don’t speak french, or I would have an english translation, but here’s the article:

Via: JTA.Org:

PARIS (JTA) — Extreme rightist Jean-Marie Le Pen told the EU Parliament that “gas chambers were a detail in the history of the Second World War.”

Following the remark, which he made on Wednesday, European Union Parliament members drafted an accord that could prevent the 81-year-old Le Pen from presiding over July’s inaugural session of parliament, Reuters reported.

I find it very ironic that every time someone, who does not buy into the Wilsonian, Zionist, Neo-Conservative Propaganda that is peddled to the American people, that they’re called a hater. This is why Pat Buchanan’s name was brought up. On the other hand, the other blogger that he brought up; she is a loon, almost as much as the person referenced in this posting.

I will be forwarding this posting to Pat’s people.

Update – August 18, 2009: I noticed that this Blog entry, which is quite old, has been searched and viewed view Google cache. Let me simply say this; I now know that Charles Johnson, who runs little green footballs is NOT a Conservative, nor a Zionist. But rather a Liberal Blog. Johnson could be summed up as a “September 11’th Liberal”. Charles Johnson did something that I felt was totally inexcusable, he stabbed some people, who were and still are involved in the crusade against Global Jihad. Let me say this to whomever is looking at this and hopefully Google cache updates. Count among those who reject Islam as a Religion of Peace, it is a Religion of war and killing. It is a direct threat the Republic of the United States of America, and to the Nation of Israel. Islam should be outlawed and the people that practice it deported from our Country.  When I originally wrote this entry; I was well within the court of Paleo-Conservatism, of which some of the tenants, I still agree with. But as of late I have noticed that Pat Buchanan and some of his so-called “followers” have been partaking in some questionable activities; like writing articles at websites that politically; are diametrically opposed to what Paleo-Conservatism is supposed to be about.  Further more, I have been noticing that some of followers of Mr. Buchanan have referred to members of our Military as “Battlefield terrorists” and that they partake in torture for sport; that my friend is a problem and a huge issue for me. As I have family who served in the Military. So, for those wanting to try and find fault with me in this posting. Let me simply say this. I simply was misinformed about Johnson and at the time. I was defending Pat. Which I still will do, but to say that I am a Paleo-Conservative, would be a misstatement. I simply want to be addressed as a Independent Conservative. I claim no stripe. While Pat might be right on SOME things, there are just some that I totally disagree with.