The left says that the Tea Parties are just angry white protesters

I normally do not send traffic to idiots like this, but this one caught my eye.

Over at the Marxist Liberal Crooks and Liars; Barack Hussein Obama’s water carrier, John Amato yowls:

To Reynolds “real Americans” kind of look like him and smell like him. That’s true Americana. Can you imagine if Tom Daschle, Paul Begala, James Carville and the late Paul Wellstone twittered and blogged and wrote op-eds for the NY Times, while Nancy Pelosi appeared on CNN and put out the call to arms as the Situation Room, Countdown, Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper promised everyone air time on their shows if they make sure to come on down to “the protests” they will be covering live, up close and in person? And it was funded by millions of dollars of the richest of the rich?

Lou Dobbs mocked the criticism of the tea baggers, saying that special-interest groups started war protests just like the New Santellis. Does he really believe that Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove are considered “grassroots” activists?

So typical, when the left is loosing the battle, they do what most Liberals do. They play the race card. Gee,  I was not aware that race hustling Al “Interloper” Sharpton was looking for help.

Doug Powers, who’s also tangling with some moronic liberal as well, counters this stupidity:

Not by name or inference. As a matter of fact, I went out of my way to point out that these problems have been perpetuated by both parties, but these kinds of knee-jerk pinheads see what they want to see. If racism doesn’t exist, they’ll see to it that it does by the time they’re finished — all in the name of ending racism.

I’m also racist because I wrote that Detroit has gone down the toilet thanks to the same liberal policies, both state and federal, that are being rolled out on a national level, and I compared the city to Bangladesh (which made me racist against “South Indian Immigrants” — I kid you not).

So, for the Detroit comparison I’ll go ahead and offer a sincere apology… to Bangladesh.

Who’s the racist here, anyway? Tubman’s the one who runs with the assumption that Detroit was ruined by blacks. I never wrote that or even implied it, because I don’t believe that to be the case — it was ruined by liberals with the same philosophies as Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow, Jennifer Granholm, David Bonior, et al — all of whom, by the way, are currently un-black.

I could not have put it better. Even now, Detroit’s school system is failing, the biggest arena in Detroit; Cobo Arena is facing closure, because a group of race hustlers on the Detroit city council resent the fact that some white people from the suburbs want a stake in running the Arena, in return for paying off some of Arena’s debts. Not to mention the decay of the neighborhoods; the businesses that have left that city, because of the corrupt Government in that city. Is it a black thing? Not necessarily. It just happens that the Liberals running that cesspool of a city ARE black. But when anyone, like a white man, like me, brings that up; we are smeared as racist bigots.

This is why anyone, that had any sort of money, left that city. Like my parents and myself. Because of the lack of police protection. You call the police or dial 911. You’re lucky if they show up, maybe four hours later. This is why two detectives; Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers were basically lynched by a racist black Mayor, Coleman A. Young, for essentially doing their jobs. Malice Green was a crackhead who refused to show those two fine officers what was in his hand, he basically attacked them, which resulted him getting busted in the head. The Liberal media in Detroit basically convicted those two men. They’re out of jail, after basically getting a new trial. But it basically shows you that absolutely insane mentality that has taken over that cesspool of a city.

Then there is the personal aspect of it. My Cousin, Michael Hill was shot and killed in cold blood, by two black and one Mexican corrupt Detroit cops. To be fair, my cousin was doing something incredibly dumb, he was selling a handgun to a friend, over in the Delray district of southwest Detroit and he test fired the gun into the ground. Some idiot neighbor heard the gunshots and called the police. That is when all hell broke loose, the police showed up, my cousin, who had a probation rap on his record, tried to flee, but couldn’t jump the wooden fence behind the house. Those cops came in with guns blazing, he had something in his hand; a beer bottle…. and the police thought it was the gun, they gunned him down and basically allowed him to die, in the backyard of that house. I will be the first to admit, Michael should not have run, nor should have he been testing that gun, in the city. But he was gunned down like an animal.

The real kicker? You think the liberal media, back in 1990’s, touched that story an exposed the Detroit police for the corrupt department that it is? Are you kidding? They did not want anything to do with it! Want to know why? Because my cousin was white and the cops doing the shooting were black and mexican, that’s why! Not one of the Liberal media outlets in the Detroit area covered the true story. Just the bullshit story given by the police, when the shooting happened. My cousin was portrayed by the liberal media as some crazy person who tried to have a shootout with the police. (Thank you WXYZ-TV and Bill Bonds…) That’s because the story did not fit the agenda of the liberal narrative. Which is so typical of the Liberal media.

So, Doug, I know how you feel man, we’re both just sane people in a world gone insane with liberal socialism.