Police State: Police Officer tasers 72-year-old great-grandmother

This one’s via HotAir, In the interest of full disclosure; I have not watched this. I cannot handle watching stuff like this, it gets my blood pressure up and I want throw stuff. The back story is here, with a partial transcript.

This goes on and people wonder why citizens like Richard Poplawski take up arms and kill 3 police officers.  You cannot assault the people and not have people retaliate in kind; When will the Government figure that out?

Police State? You decide.

2 Replies to “Police State: Police Officer tasers 72-year-old great-grandmother”

  1. it is idiots like you that make the jobs of police officers more difficult. this woman was 72-years old, yes, but she made every wrong decision she possibly could. she tried to get back in her truck, got in the officers face, and refused to be taken into custody. it doesn’t matter that she was 72…if she was 22 the same thing would have happened.

    “This goes on and people wonder why citizens like Richard Poplawski take up arms and kill 3 police officers. You cannot assault the people and not have people retaliate in kind; When will the Government figure that out?”

    that quote is so stupid it’s ridiculous. not all cops are bad cops or bad people. all it takes is one rotten apple to ruin the bunch.

    1. #1) I never said I advocated any sort of violence towards the police.

      #2) Don’t insult me again in the comments section or I’ll ban your ass for being a dick

      #3 Learn to quote properly or don’t bother quoting me.

      #4 Learn how to properly write and construct a sentence.


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