Bob Parks is an racist asshole

That’s right, I said it; and I am damn proud of it too.

This guy, Bob Parks, who runs a Blog called Black and Right, (Chuckle Snicker Grin) is, as far as I am concerned, a racist.

Here are the reasons I feel this way:

  1. I am sure you have heard about Alexis Cohen, the American Idol contestant, who was killed in a hit and run. Thankfully, her killer was found and arrested. Well, Mr. Parks, in his snobbish style, called this young lady “Troubled” and went out of his way to mock her on his Blog. My question is, would have worded this article in this fashion; if this young lady were black? It is to truly wonder.
  2. Another fine example of Bob Park’s Black Bigotry against white people is a posting called “Return of the Retard.” A posting about a Bill in the house that contained some offensive language. That I personally, as the Nephew of a Developmentally disabled Aunt, would personally find offensive myself. In this posting; naturally a picture of a White mentally retarded Child is used. Why would Bob Parks use a picture of a mentally retarded White baby, as the picture is called? You decide.

There are a few more, but those are the two that really stuck out to me. Why else would Mr. Parks word things like he does? Why else would he use a picture of a white retarded child? Instead of maybe a black retarded child. Because he is a black racist bigot.

Which further fuels my belief, that blacks cannot be true blue Conservatives. Because of their inherent hatred of the White race, due to the sins of our fore-fathers years ago. It is just not in their DNA. Bob Parks might fool some, with his slick talk and masterful use of smoke and mirrors; but this White American Conservative is not fooled At all. Update: After some serious reflection; I have lined this part out. I made a fatal mistake, I did something rather idiotic and stupid; something that I abhor more than identity politics; and that is making blanket statements. I apologize for this. While I do have my serious doubts about African-Americans and their ability to actually be Conservatives. It would be abjectly foolish of me to say that I, in fact, know that they cannot be, because I just cannot know everyone’s heart. My apologies to those that may have thought I was being overly cynical. I readily confess to being a rabid cynic, but that does not excuse an horrific error in judgment. Again, my apologies. 🙁