Sullivan a Birther?!?!?!

Now I know I have seen everything now!

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (H/T to AllahPundit and Via Just one Minute)

But why are we supposed to rely on the testimony of Dr Fukino, whom I believe entirely. It is not my job as a journalist or yours as a citizen to take public officials on trust. They are not to be trusted, whoever they are. It is our job to demand all the evidence we want or need. I know the electronic record is legit. I have no doubt that Obama has every constitutional right to be president. I think the Birthers are nuts. But there is no reason on earth that the original cannot be retrieved and shown. Jon Klein and CNN were wrong, and I retract my apology of yesterday.

Obama promised total transparency. Where is it? Or will it arrive at the moment when he tackles the deficit, and withdraws from Iraq?

You know; as much as the pains me to say it. But Sullivan is absolutely right. This is not some run-of-the-mill Blogger. Sullivan is read and respected by many on the left; and I suspect there will be a releasing of the original long form, by this coming Friday, if not sooner.

Sullivan Goes on in another post:

So many readers are furious that I have dared to ask the president to show the original copy of his birth certificate. The reason for demanding it is the same reason for demanding basic medical records proving Sarah Palin is the biological mother of Trig.

Because it would make it go away and it’s easily done.

I’m tired of these public officials believing they have some right to privacy. They don’t. It’s the price of public office. If you don’t like it, don’t be president. And for goodness’ sake, don’t run for president on a platform of transparency.

Well put Mr. Sullivan.