SEIU Thugs Beat Black Conservative Activist Update: New Footage Added

Let preface what I am about to report with this. My Father is a Union man; I have grown up around the unions.

But this crap right here is just damn wrong.

The Video comes via Missourah Blog: (H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Post Dispatch Coverage here.

Missourah Blog Writes:

What I can tell is that a guy walking 10-20 feet ahead of us said to the guys in purple shirts (SEIU members, as I understand) “you attacked him!” and “you’re going to jail!”

The guy who said he was attacked (light brown short sleeve collared shirt) said he was just out there selling something (I think “Don’t Tread on Me” flags).

Post Dispatch reports:

Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack.

“It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said.

It is also being reported that racial epitaphs were used against the Black Conservative as well. Which does not surprise this write one bit, seeing that the Democratic Party was, and still is the party of racial bigotry.

This is just totally vile and disgusting.  A totally innocent Conservative black man being attack and beaten by Union thugs. The bastards ought to be shot. I think it is high time that Conservatives, who have the ability; to arm themselves while attending these events. Observing all local gun laws of course, but it remains a fact that these thug socialist goons are not interested in public debate, but more interested in underhanded attacks. It is time to stop playing games and get serious about protecting ones self.

Update: Ed Morrissey, as always, offers up so very good analysis:

Pay attention, America. This is a glimpse into the next three years of the Obama administration, at least using the same logic by which the Left accuses health-care reform opponents of “astroturfing”. If its policies get organized opposition, especially at events designed to allow for public debate, purple-shirted thugs will appear to crack heads and scare off the opposition.

And if nothing else, it’s a great look at how the unions will act once the secret ballot gets eliminated from organizing elections.

Ed’s right; As someone who grew up around unions. I can tell you that the U.A.W. would not condone this sort of action. At least none of the one’s that I know personally. I believe that this goes well beyond the pail of normal union politics and organizing. This is nothing more than outright thuggery.

Update #2: Mary Katharine Ham has a great breakdown of events. An Ironic detail:

On Twitter last night, there was a clear effort from liberals to portray any scuffles from last night’s town halls as the inevitable violent eruption of right-wing mob members, but it is interesting that there was no violence until the night liberal interest group HCAN and Dem members of Congress started calling in union members to “protect” them and host these events. It’s also interesting that the only documented cases of violence thus far seem to be going one way. The Slapper, seen on Drudge and in these pictures (9-17), is local Tampa Democratic operative Karen Miracle.

Ironic indeed. 🙄

Update #3: More Video on the attack from another Camera. You can hear the Union thugs saying, “That’s the Union Way!” and calling the people standing there Nazi’s. Then a woman hits the woman’s Camera. I believe all of these people were arrested.  (H/T to Brooks Bayne on on Twitter)

Memeorandum has the Complete round up.

Others covering: Power Line, protein wisdom,, Stop The ACLU, Founding Bloggers and THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, St. Louis Tea Party, American Power

Even More Coverage:

Wake up America: Constituents Don’t Want An Obamacare Infomercial