A note of thanks

I would like to personally and publicly thank reader Beverly, who lives in New Jersey, for your very nice donation to the blog.

It’s those little donations like this one; that make running this blog a joy. It is also good to know that someone out there enjoys what I serve up here. Not that it is about money, but seeing I am in the position that I am in; No Job, Living with Parents, and no prospects of a job — It makes life a little easier.  I will be the first to tell you, my situation could be much worse than it is now and it would be, if it were not for my parents. However, unlike the socialists, I will not run to the Government for a hand out or a solution to my problems. I will rebuild my life —- on my own. I do not need Barry’s Socialist stupidity to do so.

Also, to those of you on twitter, who follow me, I thank you for “Retweeting” my tweets; you guys are amazing. Here’s some numbers for you. Yesterday alone I had 541 people come look at my posting about the Tea Party Protest up in D.C., today there were 265 views on the tea party story. On that 9/11 story that I posted about, there were 100 people that viewed it yesterday.

I know the question that you are asking yourself. “Well, how much was the donation?” Not that it is anyone’s business; but it was $50.00. (Minus PayPal fees, which were dollar and some change) But, Believe me, I am EXTREMELY grateful to get donation of that, or any size, at all. Especially from people that I do not even know or have never met. Especially seeing that ye ol’ Bank account is, at this moment, at 85 bucks and some change. Of course, that will change when PayPal decides to stop holding my donation hostage, which takes about 3-5 days.

Of course, there are some of you, ahem —  shall we say?  —– Well-to-do Conservatives out there, that look at that Donation amount and chuckle to yourselves and say, “That’s a paltry sum…” Well, let me be the first to tell you; You see that little donation button over there on the right hand side, inner side bar, second from the top? Hit it baby; Hard. I am a “Verified Account”, which in PayPal terms, means that I can receive as much as you want to send! Of course, if some charitable Conservative sends me some huge honking, multi-thousand or ever better Multi-Million Dollar donation, I would have to grab my friend Ryan by the shirt collar and ask him the name of that Company that does the LLC registration service. I would also have to open a separate bank account, if things got really, really big. Then my life would get really complicated really fast! Not to mention the IRS would take a shining to me really quick! (That’s hillbilly for get interested really quick for you Yankee folk….)

But first things first, Again, I am eternally grateful to everyone who has, so far, been supportive of my efforts here. Every time someone retweets my twitter postings, I smile, literally. I mean, I am like a little kid, all pointing and giggling at the fact that someone has retweeting my postings. Which is why I have to close tweetdeck at times; otherwise I would get nothing done! 😉

Okay, enough this Halo-Polishing stuff. Let’s get back to Blogging and criticizing Obama and his socialism! Just a quick note, if you have any sort of a insider tip of anything that is happening in Washington D.C. and want to clue me in, I am always ready for the exclusive! You can do some by going to my “Contact Me” page on my Blog and filling out the information and submit your tip. If it is something huge, please provide a contact number, so I can check it out and make sure it is legit. If you wish to remain anonymous; I will respect your confidentiality when reporting the story.  Just as well, if you just want to write to tell something, feel free! Unlike some of these “High falootin” Bloggers who won’t answer e-mails; I read and usually answer every last one!  Now, if you write me and call my daddy a Redneck or my Momma a street walker or a something ugly like that, I most likely will ignore you or I may just put it on the blog, so, that everyone else can see what kinda idiot you really are…. or if you threaten to get the Mafia after me or the Obama knuckle bustin’ committee after me, I will most likely get the F.B.I. involved and ask them pay you a visit. Then again, I could just get Robert Stacey McCain to run naked through your back yard! I mean, that’s enough to make any lost soul come to Jesus. Don’t believe me? Go look at that poor man’s Picture.

Anyhow, enough this silliness. Thanks to everyone!

To Liberty!


Update: Maybe that wasn’t so short after all. Yeah, I changed the name of the title. I get like that; rambling on. 🙄