Not everyone likes Glenn Beck

To be Fair, Mark Levin has a point about Ron Paul.

and… (H/T HotAir)

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To be quite honest. I do not like Scarborough, at all. He is, in my humble opinion, an sneering elitist prick. Same goes for that ditsy blond bitch sidekick of his. Yeah, I’d say that RHINO applies in Scarborough’s case.

4 Replies to “Not everyone likes Glenn Beck”

  1. Mark has made jealous snide little comments about Beck for a long time now, which is a shame since he is an asset for the right. If you take an honest look at Becks point you have to see that what he says may be true. Case in point, prescription drugs are blamed on “conservative” George Bush. So, like Mr Beck I believe McCain would have been worse, the only question is can we survive as a Republic under Obama.

    1. I hear ya. I have no opinion on it. I think it could be just professional jealousy. Maybe not. Some must realize that Glenn’s not really a “Republican”. He’s more of a Conservative populist.

      Anyhow, I watch him and O’Reilly. Hannity? Hell No! Can’t handle that water-carrier. 🙄

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