AllahPundit gets it wrong

Man, it is pretty bad, when amateur idiots like me, have to correct the so-called “Professional Bloggers,” whatever that is. 🙄

Dude, she’s totally running — albeit certainly not in 2012 as an upstart challenger to The One. She’s too good of a soldier to do that, per her diving headfirst into the tank here to defend his Nobel win.

via Hot Air » Blog Archive » Hillary: No, no, no, I’m not running again.

Dude, she was born in 1947, That makes her, unless my Math is totally off, 62 years old. There is no way that she will ever try another run at the Presidency. Here is why I think so:  There is just no way that a Liberal Democrat is going to want to run that late in the stretch in their lives; at least not after what happened to “Grampy McSame” in the 2008 election.  I mean, if you were a Liberal Democrat, much less a female Liberal Democrat; would you want your campaign being compared to an old Conservative Republican who thought he was entitled to be President, because of his age and Vietnam Service? Uh, I think the answer would be no.

AllahPundit and those who read his writings need to face facts; The Clinton dynasty is over, for good. The Feminist and Moderate Wing of the Democratic Party was soundly defeated by the Black Entitlement and Identity Politics of the Democratic Party. This was done by electing a President who is defined by elements of Neo-Liberalism, and by a HUGE dose of abject Socialism. While I do believe some hawkish Neo-Conservatives Conservatives would just love to see Hillary in the White House; I am afraid that era is simply over; and we are now staring down one of the most dangerous era of our times. The era of “Hope and Change” or as it known b the rest of us, the era of hyper-Socialism.