Sarah Palin has lost it and her chances of being elected

Just when you think, that Sarah Palin could not get any lower on the level of stupidity. Something like this comes along. I know many people are wondering why that I wrote the entry earlier about the far right and me; it is stuff like this here.

The Video:

The Transcript:

Humphries: Sarah Palin here on the Rusty Humphries Show. One of the questions Jason asks is would you make the birth certificate an issue if you ran?

Palin: I think the public rightly is still making it an issue. I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t know if I would have to bothered to make it an issue because I think there are enough members of the electorate that still want answers.

Humphries: Do you think it’s a fair question to be looking at?

Palin: I think it’s a fair question just like I think past associations and past voting records. All of that is fair game. You know, I’ve got to tell you too, I think our campaign, the McCain-Palin campaign didn’t do a good enough job in that area. We didn’t call out Obama and some of his associates on their records and what their beliefs were, and perhaps what their future plans were, and I don’t think that was fair to voters to not have done our job as candidates and a campaign to bring to light a lot of things that now we’re seeing manifest in the administration.

Sarah Palin’s God-awful grasp of the English Language aside, the woman has veered into territory that even I do not care to defend anymore. I am glad to see that I am not the only one that feels the way. It appears that even Theocratic Blogs like this one agree with me:

The most charitable possible reading of this interview is that Palin is saying “turn about is fair play” and if irrational questions are going to be asked about the birth of her baby, then she will ask irrational questions about the birth the president.

First, President Obama did not ask those questions and so it would not similar for the Republican nominee to ask “birther” questions of him.

Second, for a Christian two wrongs not only don’t make a right, but actually are just more wrong. There is the whole issue of, well, the Golden Rule as well.

Third, asking whether Obama is born in the United States is not a “fair question,” because there is no credible evidence he was not born in the United States. You cannot ask a fair question when your questions is based only on a desire to do damage equal to that done to you by another.

The conservative movement must reject a populism that amounts to mob rule. Our founding fathers believed in reason and hated demagoguery. The notion that it there is any fair way to questions the President’s place of birth is beyond the pale.

Birtherism is insanity and if embraced by our nominee destroy the party of Lincoln, McKinley, Roosevelt, Coolidge, and Reagan.

Palin should clarify this quote quickly, repudiate birtherism, and birtherism as a tactic, or I predict she will be finished as a serious presidential candidate. And she should be.

I agree with the above wholeheartedly. The only people that still believe that Obama is not a citizens are people like Oraly Taitz; who is, by the way, a rabid Zionist and a person who hates anything remotely Arabic; not to mention an conspiracy theorist. This was proven when MSNBC tried to send a driver for her interview with that network and she told the driver to leave, because he had an Arab sounding name.

If Sarah Palin wants to go this road, she is finished with the Republican Party, because that party has no patience for this sort of idiotic nonsense. President Barack Obama is many things, but he is not a terrorist, nor is he an illegal alien. Anyone who still believes this is a damn fool. I think Sarah Palin needs to either issue an apology or leave the political scene for good. If she does not, she will not be even remotely considered a contender for the 2012 election, which, as for as I concerned would be a very good thing. We just do not need a theocratic candidate in the White House at all.

Update: Hmmmmmmm…..

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