Editor & Publisher to Cease Publication

This is sad story and I do mean that in quite the big way. It appears that Editor & Publisher, which has been in business since 1884 is going out of business; that is unless someone steps forward, buys the magazine, and begins to sell it. There are a number of things, which one could blame — bad economy, changing times, and so forth. I guess some of you might think that I am delighted to see this happening. Well, let me publicly say that nothing and I mean nothing could be further from the truth. As a Conservative, I believe in the first amendment — even when I do not agree with those who do not share my political stance and views. Editor & Publisher has fought for the first amendment right of publishers for years, and I commend them for the service to the media community.

It is has been said by those in the establishment and corporate media world, that bloggers like me do not respect those in the mainstream media. This, in my case, at least is not true at all. Truth is folks, if it were not for the Fourth Estate; we bloggers would have nothing to write about, at all. Therefore, it does bring me great sadness to hear that one of the trade publications for the old media is closing its doors for good. I am very hopeful that someone out there, who is in a position to buy this trade publication out and enable it to continue for many years to come. Because allowing E & P to slip into the sundry bounds of historic memory would be, I feel with the greatest of convictions, a grave tragedy.

I wish all of the editors and staff of E & P all of the very best and I hope that somehow, someway that E & P is able to remain with us.