Updated:What? Was it something I said? The Hate Continues

My goodness the leftists are such an angry bunch. Looks like some of the leftists did not like it when I spoke the truth about them.

Here’s a sampling of the e-mails that I have gotten:

from G. Khan <domddom2000@hotmail.com>

to tpblogeditor@gmail.com

date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 1:05 AM

subject Ref: Lew Rockwell

1:05 AM (1 hour ago)

Hey Jerkwater,

Since you have such a hard on for the United States Federal Government Armed Forces. I am sure as hell a strapping, intelligent 30 something living in the Greater Detroit area (one of the most corrupt, and left wing areas of the country btw) should have no problem jumping your dorkmobile, and be able to find a military recruiting station within minutes of your domicile. Go for it; enlist you turd, or if you already have served. Reenlist, your president needs you. I did it 25 years ago. And I will tell you what dick weed. My kids if I have it my way; will never, ever serve. For whom, for what? To be the toy soldiers for a LBJ, a Clinton, an Obama, a Bush or a Nixon? In case you haven’t noticed we have a rotten stinkin’, piece of crap government, which hardly merits taking orders from, and much less being maimed or killed for. Of course you’re probably some smuck working for GM, glad as hell to have your government handout, all the while calling it free enterprise or some other stupid shit.

Furthermore, you get the Hell out of MY Country! You neocons, wanting to wage war in every backwater, shithole the world over, are just as responsible for the financial condition that this country is in, as the pie in the sky liberals, that think they can turn all manner of men into college educated, effete, wine sippin’ , brie eating wusses, with just a little more help from Washington, and the public school system.

Whoa! Poor Grammar, Anti-Semitism, and Hate! When they say “Neo-Con” they mean Jew; for what it is worth.

Here’s a fact seeker:

from Stephen <stevesearer@gmail.com>

to tpblogeditor@gmail.com

date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 1:10 AM

subject RE: Hatred for the US Military

1:10 AM (1 hour ago)

Hi Patrick, this is the first time I’ve been on your site but I thought I would send you a comment. I was linked to your site from Lewrockwell.com in regard to the post by Lawrence Vance.

Anyway, as I read his post I too was overcome with strong emotions to it as it was a pretty powerful image by itself, let alone with the addition of his headline. I was interested to see what your response to the image was, so I made my way here and read your post.

I was quite interested in your statement about Christians as I would consider myself to be one. That being said, I am interested how you have come to the conclusion that one cannot be both Christian and at the same time, not like things about your country/the things it’s military does?

I’m not emailing to berate you by any means, I was just curious in your reasoning as I am fairly young myself and am always looking for new information on topics I don’t have fully worked out in my own thinking.

Thanks for your time,



Go read the documents of our founding Father’s and then come back and ask me that. I will say this, the same leftist mentality that comes from Lew Rockwell and his gang of Anti-American idiots; is the same mentality of the Alexandrian Cult of the historic Alexandria in Egypt.

from Jon White <jon@frankfortpost.org>

to tpblogeditor@gmail.com

date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 2:41 AM

subject You are an ill informed jerk

But, I’m going to close the debate on this argument, because I don’t want any egg on my face to the likes in which you would have received had you left the comments open.

Too late! Egg is already there, along with that shit on the end of your nose; from putting it in Lew Rockwell’s ass!

It is amazing how these leftists believe in freedom of speech, just as long as it fits their ideology.

I will be posting more of these as they come in.

Update: and the hate just keeps coming in:

Via e-mail:

from Daniel Miller <d1776ante@yahoo.com>

to tpblogeditor@gmail.com

date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 11:33 AM

subject Has your chicken-shit ass been in the miltary?

details 11:33 AM (11 minutes ago)

Plenty of veterans are against the wars. Which are already lost BTW. How brave of you neo-con jews to send more American soldiers to die.

And why is it you crazy zionist leftists decry Obama and the government while choosing to worship parts of said government. You’d have made a great Nazi.

Gun owning, free-marketeers like me and Lew Rockwell are winning and turning the people against ALL government and their evil agents. Don’t say we didn’t warn you when you are eliminated by proud American partisans for you lies and destruction of liberty.

Hmmmm.. Now I am a Jew? That’s a pretty neat trick, considering my Parents are both from the south.

from Scott Parrish <scottpar02@cox.net>

to tpblogeditor@gmail.com

date Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 9:18 AM

subject Lawrence Vance

details 9:18 AM (2 hours ago)

Too bad you lack to courage to leave your comment section open on your post regarding Lawrence Vance and the great offense he has caused you over the provocative picture and post at Lewrockwell.com.

Yeah, it is too bad isn’t it? Maybe it is because I do own this thing; and seeing how you leftists are always so hateful,I figured it would be more fun to post all the crazy rants right here on the blog. As they are such fun to read and let other people have a laugh too.

I’m gonna create another posting, as this one is getting quite long.

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