Libertarian leftists Unhinged

I should write a book. 😀

from Freedom Calhoun <>


date Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:00 AM

subject You being a cowardly piece of garbage.

9:00 AM (6 hours ago)

As an ex-army ranger and of a libertarian bent.

I would like to say, you are not only clueless on your analysis of the libertarian stance on war, but you are also a cowardly piece of garbage.

If you would like further explanation on why I think you are a walking piece of dog feces, feel free to e-mail me and I will explain in depth.

You lack the IQ or the balls required to comment on subjects you obviously don’t understand.

Enjoy your murderous anti-human stance, I hope you have fun getting poked in the anus by Adolph while you burn in hell.


Freedom Calhoun

ex-Army Ranger and Libertarian.


from Rod <>


date Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:37 PM

subject You Suck

3:37 PM (11 minutes ago)

I have been following with interest and amusement the back and forth between you and Laurence Vance over at Wow. I’m amazed at what an idiot you truly are. How do you survive?

Please post a picture on your blog; I’ve always wondered what a real, live talking jackass looked like.


That book is looking real nice. I could use the money.