Video: Bernie Sanders takes his marbles and goes home

Wow. I guess Sanders is not happy at all. Not only did he pull his amendment, he is not voting for the bill.


Partial transcript:

I’m struggling with this. As of this point, I’m not voting for the bill. … I’m going to do my best to make this bill a better bill, a bill that I can vote for, but I’ve indicated both to the White House and the Democratic leadership that my vote is not secure at this point. And here is the reason. When the public option was withdrawn, because of Lieberman’s action, what I worry about is how do you control escalating health care costs?

Popcorn anyone? 😉

One Reply to “Video: Bernie Sanders takes his marbles and goes home”

  1. “Hell hath no fury like a socialist scorned.”

    If this were a movie it’d be titled, “The Incredibly Strange Democrats Who Stopped Thinking and Became Mixed-Up Zombies.”

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