Why do Conservatives do dumb stuff like this?

Jim Hoft, who has been known to link to White Nationalist websites, links to some far right wing Blogger. Who takes his camera and goes after some liberal journalist. He gets bumped and whines about it.

Click the picture to watch the video:

As I wrote on this idiot’s blog. Dude, I would kicked you square in the fucking balls and called the damn cops. You were acting like a total fucking asshole. You being a Conservative, does not entitle you to act like some fucking asshole with a Camera. Then to top it off, when you actually got bumped, which really didn’t amount to anything serious; you start acting like a fucking asshole and then go whine about it on your blog. In short, you were acting like some fucking idiot liberal. Grow up and quite bringing a bad name to the Conservative movement.  ya damn tool. 🙄

That is all.

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