What else is going on in the World

I’ve been so busy battling Chuckie Johnson and Rosanne Barr fans, that I’ve missed blogging on anything else.

Here’s a round up:

  1. Ramn Emanuel fingers a Senator….or something.
  2. Spanking of queers; A GOP Senator comes out as one.
  3. Polls show that Obama is losing ground….and possibly his mind as well.
  4. Some Arab Country is giving Jews a hard time, or something. (…and this is news?)
  5. Reid Wilson wants someone to whip him with a….Healthcare Bill?
  6. Memo to Lynn Cheney, when you’ve lost the Bush leg humping crowd; you have thoroughly screwed up.
  7. Someone else is taking over the Government. (again?)
  8. Finally! Acorn workers pay the piper
  9. Ezra Klein says, “Healthcare Reform is progressive!” (Well, no shit…. Wish they’d pay me to write dumb shit like that…)
  10. Bill Clinton is going to dinner… Hide the interns and the Cigars!