Want to see why I have grown to hate the left?

Check out the story, which is just rife with hatred towards Conservative Bloggers, Race Baiting and has a rather horrible photo-shop of Michelle Malkin.

Go here.

I mean, even HotAir covered this and dismissed it. Did they bother to mention that? Nope. Which is why I never bothered blogging about it. Most usually, if a story doesn’t pass AllahPundit’s or Ed’s smell test, I usually refrain.

I seem to remember that on March 4, 2010, word came that a liberal satirist blogger, Al Weisel AKA as Jon Swift passed away. I, thinking that no one on my side of political aisle cared, wrote a rather harsh piece.  Well, it turned out that many Bloggers on the Conservative side of the aisle liked the guy and went out of their way to remember the guy. I even dedicated a music video to the damned guy.  Much class was shown that day, and I had hoped that my actions would be the start of the beginning of civility in this Blogosphere. Maybe that was too lofty of a goal.

The point I am trying to make is this; why the hell does someone have to die in the blogosphere or anywhere else for that matter; for anyone to even remotely try and show any respect to that person?

I say all this, because I have flogged time and time again for some of the stuff that I have said on here. I have even lost advertisers because of something I did once on this blog. But, yet, this guy gets a free pass? Unbelievable. 🙄

Remember folks, THIS is your Democratic Party of today. Do you really want to vote for people that promote this sort of vile filth? Think about it.

3 Replies to “Want to see why I have grown to hate the left?”

  1. It’s sad that you feel this way about “the left,” especially based on one blog post–to the extent that your hate is based on one blogger or blog post, that is. The fact is, there is no “Left” and no “Right,” but a bunch of individual people who lean one way or the other on the issues–and generally not as neatly as those “left” and “right” boxes would have us think–and have varying degrees of manners, class, and couth, besides. The kind of behavior exhibited by that one liberal blogger is no more representative of everyone on “the left” than you or any other blogger is representative of everyone on “the right.” There are assholes (and angels) all along the political spectrum, and it behooves no one to generalize about a whole group of people based on the actions of their worst behaving members, whether the lines are drawn politically, religiously, racially, or any other way…

    It’s fine and dandy to attack individual (liberals/conservatives/paleocons/greens/???) for the ideas and ideals they express or how they express them, but pretending that the bad behavior of the individual is representative of everyone who shares his/her political label sows the seeds of bigotry, in my humble… Ending those kinda sweeping generalizations about groups of folks would go a long way toward the very political and social civility between “us” and “them” that you seek… We’re not labels, any of us… We’re individual citizens, and good or bad, we ought to treat each other that way…

    Too bad about Jon Swift… It’d been awhile since he last posted, and I was sad to lose his wit. To read that he’s not coming back makes it all the worse, and I’m sure that those who loved him appreciate your kind words.

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