Updated: Honestly, What do they expect?

It seems that Communist owned and controlled Blog, Think Progress is full of crap, as usual…  posted a video showing some of the more undesirable elements of the Tea Party Movement Update: Turns out, most of the stuff in this video is straight up bogus… But my point below still stands:

Quite honestly, I must ask, what in the hell do these people expect? When a black President, of whom country of birth is questionable at best; is elected and proceeds to push all sorts of idiotic legislation unto an American people, who quite frankly, do not want it. What do these idiotic fools expect?  I mean, you can only push people, especially white people, like myself so far; and then they are going to react. Then you have the NAACP coming out and calling them all racists, because they disagree with the President’s policies? I mean, what do they expect?

I mean, if anything, the Progressives in this Country had better be happy that the majority of the White Conservatives in this Country still have faith in the ballot box. Because the alternative to that, is not something that I want to even remotely expound upon — much less think about. Because quite frankly, Americans; not just white Americans, are angry and when Americans get angry, things happen. I just hope that the happening, happens at the ballot box come November of 2010 and hopefully 2012 as well; and nowhere else.

Further more, considering all of the ugliness of the 2000 elections and during the 2004 elections; not to mention during the height of the Iraq War. I find it absolutely laughable that the progressives are now acting as the moral guide in this Country. Not to mention the calling of anyone who opposes the President and happens to be black, being called an “Uncle Tom” and “Not black enough” and so on. It is truly revolting to watch the left’s hypocrisy when it comes to this issue. I mean, look at Senator Robert Byrd, he lead the biggest filibuster of the civil rights act! But yet, the progressives and the Democrats want to be the ones to lecture the American people on race and civil rights. It is truly funny.

The Bottom Line is this: While the stuff in the video above is horrible. It is not what the Tea Party, as a whole stands for. Anyone that say that; is of a collectivist mindset and is most likely a liberal. Further more, how the Democratic Party and the Progressive movement, considering their history; cannot be the one to be a moral guide in this Country, when it comes to race and other issues at all.

Update: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Looks like Confederate Yankee has, once again, caught Liberals being dishonest….. SHOCKA! 😉 Thank GOD for Scheduled posts! 😀

Update #2: Think Progress getting caught now tries to private the video… Heh… good luck, you’re already busted.

Update #3: Right Klick flushes out more of the B.S. that Think Progress is known for — LIES.

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