Why I left the Right: Exhibit C for Conspiracy

As you already know there is a HUGE story about the USDA workers firing.

…and what is wing-nut Andrew Breitbart now saying, that he has been exposed?

Think Progress reports:

Two white farmers who were supposedly discriminated against by former USDA official Shirley Sherrod spoke out on her behalf yesterday, saying “no way in the world” is she racist.

But last night, the right-wing blogger who instigated this faux controversy questioned the white farmers’ honesty and repeated his false racist charges. In interviews with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and CNN, the Iron City, GA couple Roger and Eloise Spooner described Sherrod as a “friend for life” and a “good person” who helped save their farm. Speaking with CNN’s John King, right-wing provocateur Andrew Breitbart challenged Eloise Spooner’s “purported” story, accusing King of trusting Sherrod “that the ‘farmer’s wife’ is the farmer’s wife…

The complete interview can be found Here and Here. But the money part is this right here:


You tell me as a reporter how CNN put on a person today who purported to be the farmer’s wife? What did you do to find out whether or not that was the actual farmer’s wife? I mean, if you’re going to accuse me of a falsehood, tell me where you’ve confirmed that had this incident happened 24 years ago. […]

You’re going off of her word that the farmer’s wife is the farmer’s wife?

Yeah, like CNN or anyone else for the matter is going to grab someone off of the street and put them on a farm and tell them, presumably at gunpoint or whatever is in Andrew Breitbart’s mind; and force them to say they were helped by this woman. Andrew Breitbart has lost all credibility in this situation and is now spinning like a top and has crossed over into WorldNetDaily territory. In short, the man is basically trying to save face and is failing badly.

Just another reason why I left the right.

Others, on the left covering this, and hell, who wouldn’t?!?!?!?!?!?:

Media Matters for America, Washington Wire, The Huffington Post, JONATHAN TURLEY, Wonk Room, Washington Monthly, Gawker, Wonkette, Media Matters for America, News Hounds, Rumproast and The Mahablog

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