Now this here is the nonsense that I will not side with at all

As you all know, I did have a bit of fit over what I thought was the internet lynching of a black woman by a far-right wing propagandist.  I did also walk my statement back, as I did not want people believing that I had become a liberal. I haven’t. I just will not side with racism and stupidity; and I will never, ever, condone hate at all.

I was over reading a blog, that has become the scourge of the far-right; mainly because he saw things for what they were on the right. Please, keep in mind. I do not agree with with everything that this guy writes. But there are just times when the man makes sense and when he does, I tend to agree with him. (Is that even allowed?!?! :shock:)

Anyhow, here is is three examples of some of the stupidity and utter crap on the far right, that you will not catch this blogger writing about or even supporting:

First up, posting half truths:

Seems that Blogger Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs caught one of the all-stars of the far right fudging the truth a bit, I will let Charles pick it up from here:

What I was wondering as I read this clumsy opening: why First Things hired such a witless hack as a “writer,” and what kind of ludicrous, easily debunked “link” he was going to dredge up from his feverish imagination. So I read on, got to the end, and … where the hell was the “link?”

Hoft never gets around to covering that little detail. Instead, he links to a couple of far right blogs (ranting about “reparations,” of course) that mention in passing that in the 1960s, Sherrod’s husband was a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. So I read on through the muck, looking for the link to Ayers.

I should have known better than to think there would be an actual “link” in there somewhere.

It turns out that in Hoft’s bizarre world of blind hatred, Sherrod’s husband’s membership in the SNCC is the link, because Bill Ayers was also in the SNCC. Yes, that’s it. That’s the link. I hope you were sitting down for that bombshell revelation.

Earlier the same day, Hoft was claiming that NAACP CEO Ben Jealous was at the meeting where Shirley Sherrod gave her now-famous speech. It’s completely untrue, but Hoft never posted a correction, of course.

Which is, of course, the entire guilt by association thing. Which Mr. Johnson did himself with Pamela Geller; he also retracted it later. I find it very interesting that those who ballyhooed Johnson for that whole incident with Pamela Geller; do the same very thing themselves. It is, of course, a form of collectivism.  Which, I thought, liberals were known to do; not Conservatives. Hmmm.. Maybe the Paleo-Conservatives are right. That Neo-Conservatives are just Democrat lite people. As they do seem to employ the same tactics as the left.

Another example is the ever increasing rise in Anti-Muslim Bigotry in this Country. Charles Johnson notes:

Anti-Muslim bloggers Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller used to frequently cite stories about radical Islamists forwarded to them by Jeffrey Imm; you’ll find hundreds of posts at their sites that refer to Mr. Imm.

Well, their increasingly open bigotry and their outrageously paranoid, un-American group “Stop the Islamization of America” have caused Jeffrey Imm to reevaluate what Spencer and Geller stand for — and he doesn’t like what he sees.

From the Website

While the American SIOA movement seeks to be portrayed in the media as merely “conservative,” the SIOA supporters have recently called for the “criminalization of Islam,” as well as promoting the “Burn A Koran Day.” The SIOA Facebook website is replete with vulgar and obscene images and cartoons of calls for nuclear bombs on Mecca, urination on the Qur’an, and most vulgar images possible of Muhammad. SIOA supporters have called for violence and promote hatred. SIOA supporters have made vulgar and obscene comments against specific Muslims, which the SIOA supporters defend tolerating as their defense of “free expression.”

On Sunday, July 18, 2010, SIOA Executive Director Pamela Geller made yet another appeal for support for the violent extremist group “English Defence League” (EDL) which has been involved in multiple riots, and whose members were recently arrested after throwing bricks at riot police officers during their protest of a potential mosque in Dudley (that had already been canceled.) One of the SIOA supporters has darkly claimed that a group like the violent “English Defence League” is being created in America today!

The transatlantic effort of “Islamophobia united” is only bringing an organized effort to channel and fan the flames of hate and violence that Europe has been seeing against mosques and Muslims here now to America.


Islamophobia United: Stop Islamization of Europe (SIOE) – right and Stop Islamization of America – left – Unite in Protest against Park Place Mosque in NYC

A Voice of Reason from a Muslim for Freedom and Democracy

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, leader of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, is a conservative activist that seeks to challenge the extreme views of “political Islam.”   Dr. Jasser believes that a patriotic, pro-America approach to challenging religious extremism is essential.

Dr. Jasser disagreed with Imam Rauf over the style and the form of the planned Park Place mosque in Manhattan, and wrote an article on this for the New York Post.   Sadly and ironically, some of the web readers of the NY Post column used the “reader comments” part of the column to call for bombing the mosque and killing Muslims.

While I have nothing but contempt for those who would want to commit acts of terrorism in this Country. I have even more contempt for those who would use terrorism, performed in the name of Allah; as a platform to promote Hatred against Muslims and Arabs. That is what these people are doing. Essentially these two are basically committing collectivism;  as in stirring up hatred and fear of ALL Muslims and Arabs and convincing Americans that ALL Arabs and Muslims are terrorists, and that my friends, I am afraid, is just morally wrong. Not to mention, it is not even remotely a Conservative trait. But rather a liberal one; and the real sick part is, it is the same collectivist mindset of the Jim Crow racists of the South, prior to 1964.

The last and final one, is just straight up racism. This is a statement from a James Edwards, who hosts a White Nationalist Radio program called the “Political Cesspool”, he  writes the following: (H/T LGF)

Of course the Tea Party is racist, crowed a blog post on the Council of Conservative Citizens website yesterday — and it would be proud of its racism if it weren’t wussy.

The post was written by James Edwards, a radio show host and author of Racism Schmacism. His website, the Political Cesspool, declares as its motto: “Conservatism is dead. Liberalism has no answers. What comes next? The rise of ethnopolitics.”

After the NAACP passed a recent resolution condemning the Tea Party as a bunch of bigots, the ragtag band of would-be American revolutionaries launched into denials. That’s because they’re week-kneed, lily-livered racists whose instinct is to “bend over and grab their ankles”, wrote Edwards, who suggested they connect with their inner-cackling villains:

“Instead of replying with a loud BWAHAHAHA! or a ‘Yeah? What’s your point?’ or ‘So what?’ or ‘Of course we’re racists – we’re white people. That’s what “racist” means’ or ‘Can any of you race hustlers even spell “racist”?’ The Tea Party predictably went into their usual bend over and grab their ankles mode. They protested that oh no, we’re not racists at all, we don’t tolerate racists at our rallies which are really huge rainbow coalitions.”

Edwards is right. The Tea Party is hiding the truth about itself: Racist groups are quietly welcomed at its starchy street fairs, even right here in Florida.

Last January, a state chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) set up shop at a Tea Party rally in Invernness, Citrus County. Senate candidate and Tea-Party darling Marco Rubio headlined the event, while the CCC handed out pamphlets and swag.

They wrote a proud blog entry about it: “Florida CofCC works crowd at TEA party.” The Anti-Defamation League warned of the group’s attendance a day ahead of time.

Here’s Edward’s Entire posting:

Oh, man…if only they had read my book! Racism, Schmacism. All of this unpleasantness could’ve been avoided. This thing is such a mess I don’t even know where to start, and it’s pathetic and hilarious at the same time. I wanted to write about it last week, but I was just swamped, and now things have gotten even crazier with the whole NAACP/Tea Party brouhaha, so I might as well go for it.

Well, let’s just start at the beginning. Last week, the NAACP passed a resolution condemning the “racism” of the Tea Party movement, and demanding that the movement purge itself of those hideous “racists” in their grass roots movement. Yes, the very same mental midgets who just a few weeks ago were condemning a Hallmark greeting card with an outer space theme because they think “black holes” means “black hos”, an organization which is explicitly organized for the exclusive benefit of one race of people, and whose name contains the words “Colored People”, actually had the gall to pass this resolution.

This was a great opportunity for the Tea Party movement to show some backbone by laughing in the face of the imbeciles at the NAACP. But did they? Of course not. Predictably, they responded in the same tired, pusillanimous manner with which they always respond to these never ending accusations. Instead of replying with a loud BWAHAHAHA! or a “Yeah? What’s your point?” or “So what?” or “Of course we’re racists -we’re white people.

That’s what “racist” means or “Can any of you race hustlers even spell “racist”?”, they predictably went into their usual bend over and grab their ankles mode. They protested that oh no, we’re not racists at all, we don’t tolerate racists at our rallies which are really huge rainbow coalitions, and it’s the NAACP and the liberals who are the real racists, etc., etc. You know, the lame “Bull Connor was a Democrat!” defense. It never works, but they just keep trotting it out like some lucky charm in the vain hope that this time it will work.

Racist means white person. Period. Until the Tea Partiers get that through their heads, nothing’s going to change, and they’re never going to be an effective political force. They really, really need to read Racism, Schmacism.

The reason why I mention this, is because Jim Hoft, whom I mentioned above, has linked to the Council of Conservative Citizens website. This group, for what it is worth, was called at one point, “The White Council” and was believed to be responsible for the murder of four civil rights workers in Mississippi.  Anyhow, when I brought this up, Hoft moved the link to the posting previous to that one. I noticed it and brought it up; he choose to do nothing. So, that tells me, that Hoft just does not care, because with him, it is all about “the cause…”

Now, let me end this by saying this: I am all for being against Socialism. I am all for being against big Government, I am all for being against Identity Politics, I am all for being against Terrorism and Islamic fascism and Muslim Intolerance; which really is just another form of hate. But, what I am NOT for, is combating Hate…with Hate. That my friends, is what these people are doing. Quite honestly, if these is all what there is,to being a Republican or someone of the right. Then, by all means, count me the hell out. I really am not one to hate, based upon race, color, creed and yes, even religion.

If the right does not change that image, which I just described above; they are going to have an image problem for a LONG time to come.

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