Fatty this

There are times when I utter detest being a blogger and being connected to this hyper-social media world of Facebook, Twitter and all of the other idiotic nonsense needed to promote my writing prose and my ability to expound on politics and such.  Because one can do something simple and small and before one knows it, it is amplified to the point of being a huge controversy.  In other words, social media has the uncanny ability to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Another reason why I have grown to detest this entire social media experience is that it has forced us to become very dependent upon it.  If you think I am wrong about that, just allow Twitter, Facebook or any of the other popular social media sites to go down due to a technical glitch.  The way most of the users of these services act when they go down; one would have thought that someone poisoned the Nation’s food supply or something.  I am not pointing the finger at others and absolving myself of blame — not at all.  I am one of the guilty parties!  Dependence on electronic devices and mediums scares the living pants off me.  When I was growing up, computers were seen as a novelty; now they are an integral part of our lives.  Social media has taken that dependency to another more frightening level.  No, I am not ready to dig out my bunker just yet.  However, the level dependency on social media makes me wonder if there ever was large disaster that hit the United States, and everything was knocked out; power, internet — everything.  What would we all do? I mean no twitter, no facebook, and no internet.  It is truly enough to make someone scream!  (Not to mention, just a wee bit paranoid…)

OK.  I wrote all that fancy sounding literary willy-nilly up there to get to a point. A young man by the name of Andy Baio wrote a very nice script for that is used in Firefox, which is an open source web browser — which works quite well by the way.  Anyhow, the script suddenly stopped working.  Which naturally produced one of those, “ZOMG! HALP! IT DON’T WORK! ELEVENTY!!1!”—- sort of moments with me.  Here again, this is more of that dependence on electronic gizmos, and internet.  The script takes a site called “Memeornadum”, which is a site that scans news sites and also scans blogs for reactions to those news stories — and colors the blog reactions according to, supposedly, their political leanings — Red for Conservative and Blue for liberal. Now, does my life depend on this little script?  No.  Will my existence as a normal breathing human being cease if this script is not updated?  No.  However, it is God-awfully nice to have!  It is very nice to be able to glance at Memeornadum, and see a story and see which side is reacting to which story and how they are reacting.  Without having to think, “Okay, this guy is a liberal, and this guy is a Conservative…”  The script does all that for you. Again, more of that dependence and brain drain that I keep hearing about.

As for my defense as to why I jumped on Andy Baio.  I have but one defense.  One, I am a hard ass okay?  I did not serve in the military; I was just too damned dumb.  I dropped out in the 11’th grade.  I have A.D.H.D.; my math skills are, frankly, shitty.  I did however; enroll in the school of hard knocks or as I like to call it; the school hard knocks and bloody knuckles.  Two, I am a political blogger and often times; I make the stupid mistake of looking at everything through the prism of damned politics. It is a personal flaw of mine.

I just assumed, when I did not see an updated script by Andy Baio, within a day; that he might have thought, “That guy is a right winger, I am not helping him.”  Yes, I jumped the gun.  Yes, I was wrong.  There, are you narcissistic bastards happy now?  Happy to see a man, who is just struggling to get by with about twenty bucks in his damned back account, fall to his knees, and lick the damned curb?  Is that what you fucking want from me? Please, you all are not worth all of that.  I am man enough to admit when I screw up, but I will be damned if I will ever kiss anyone’s ass.  I have not kissed anyone’s ass in the 38 years, that I have been on this planet, and I am not about to start now.

Furthermore, to address the comments made on twitter about me being a “Fatty.”  First, how fucking 8’th grade playground-like can you guys be?  I mean, seriously. I have but one reply, which I did say on twitter — Come say that crap to my face.  I can guarantee you this; you would not walk away, maybe on a stretcher, when I was done kicking your ass.  That is the “threats” referred to by Andy Baio.  To be clear, Andy never called me “Fatty” or anything else.  So, this is not directed at him, at all.  It is directed at the “keyboard commandos,” who talk a good game of bullshit behind a keyboard. However, face to face, they do not have much to say.

Therefore, there it is — my side of the damned story — the first and last thing that I ever want to say about the said subject.  I am turning off the comments and pingbacks on this posting.  Because frankly, I have better things to do than respond to stupidity like this.