President Obama: The writ of our Founders must endure

This is an editorial Blog posting that I detest having to write; I detest having to say that someone that I am opposed to ideologically — is right.  As you know, President Barack Obama has literally been at war with the far right politically since he took office.  The President, so far, really has not been fighting back, as far as this writer is concerned — against the attacks of the far right.

That changed tonight.

As some of you know, I and many other bloggers have been sounding the alarm against this so-called “Ground Zero” Mosque and Cultural center that is going to be built two blocks away from ground zero in Manhattan.  Please, believe me when I tell you, that I happen to think that this is one of the most tone-deaf things; if not, the MOST tone-deaf thing, that anyone, of any Religious stripe, could possibly want to do.  

However, we as Americans must look at the most paramount issue, that we as freedom loving Americans enjoy as citizens of this great Country of ours; the first amendment.  As I was saying, Barack Obama has been at war with the far right, and as I said, he has not been firing back at the far right.  Well, tonight he did a little more than just fire back.

He lobbed a damn hand grenade into the far right’s green zone.

President Obama gave, in this writer’s opinion, one of the best Constitutional smack downs that I have ever read in my life.  I will not quote the entire speech as most of it I totally disagree with.  However, President Obama did say one thing, which even I, as someone who disagrees with much of what the President says and does — cannot even remotely begin to argue.  He said the following:

But let me be clear: as a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country.  That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.  This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable.  The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are.  The writ of our Founders must endure.


The man might not be able to throw a baseball worth a damn.  But his constitutional grenade tossing is very good.

In short, President Obama said, what I blogged recently, in response to some Religious Right nut job who wants to see all Mosque building stopped and that is that the Government cannot regulate religion at all.  Although the President said it much better than I did.  But, I digress.

As much as I know, that it makes many of my friends on the right flank of me angry; the President has a very good point and yes, he is, for once, absolutely correct.  September 11, 2001 was, and still is, to me, a horrific tragedy; but if the United States Government enacts policies that restrict religion, which is on par with Nazi fascism or communism.  We run the risk of becoming the Christian equivalent of a Muslim theocracy; and that my friend is bad, no matter how you slice it.

We cannot allow this nation to be bigoted toward any religion based upon cultural or Zionistic impulses.  Because once we open that Pandora’s Box, we open the door for horrors that I really do not want to think about.

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5 Replies to “President Obama: The writ of our Founders must endure”

  1. The man might not be able to throw a baseball worth a damn. But his constitutional grenade tossing is very good.

    Wish I’d said that.

    Good post.

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