If the Republican Party runs on a platform of Bigotry, they will lose in 2010 & 2012

I figured this is sort of ugly was coming, and I was ready for it.

Via the Politico:

The harsh Republican response to President Barack Obama’s defense of a mosque near ground zero marks a dramatic shift in the party’s posture toward Islam — from a once active courtship of Muslim voters to a very public tolerance after Sept. 11 to an openly aired sense of mistrust.

Republican leaders have largely abandoned former President George W. Bush’s post-Sept. 11 rhetorical embrace of American Muslims and his insistence — always controversial inside the party — that Islam is a religion of peace. This weekend, former Bush aides were among the very few Republicans siding with Obama, as many of the party’s leaders have moved toward more vocal denunciations of Islam’s role in violence abroad and suspicion of its place at home.

The shift plays to a hostility toward Islam among many Republican voters, and it fits with traditional Republican attacks on Democratic weakness on security policy.

“Bush went against the grain of his own constituency,” said Allen Roth, a political aide to conservative billionaire Ron Lauder and, independently, a key organizer of the fight against the mosque. “This is part of an underlying set of security issues that could play a significant role in the elections this November.”

This past election cycle in 2008. I voted libertarian; for one, I did not like John McCain’s running mate. For two, I noticed that the Republican Party was running on a platform of bigotry. The whole using of 9/11 imagery during the Republican convention sickened me to my core. It was after this, that I decided that my vote was going to Bob Barr and not to John McCain.

Yeah, this issue is going to play a significant role alright; and that is to the sound defeat of the Republicans come 2012 and possible here in 2010. The truth is folks, that independent voters, for the most part; Reject any sort of Bigotry towards anyone of any race.  If the Republican Party believes that they are going to win this election by stoking the fears of the people — they are going to be in a very huge surprise come November 2, 2012 and possibly even in 2010.

So, to the Republican Party, drop this agenda of bigotry towards Muslims and those of Arab decent; or there will be one less vote for the Republican Party come 2012 —- Mine.

Update: To the idiot attempting to comment with the Conspiracy theory crap. Please, take your “Muslim Thunder” crap elsewhere. There is only one thing I detest worse the stupid Republicans and that is stupid liberals. That is all.

4 Replies to “If the Republican Party runs on a platform of Bigotry, they will lose in 2010 & 2012”

  1. I am an american muslim and I am going to vote in 2010 and 2012 but i am not going to vote for any republican like I did before because of their platform of bigotry .I am not the only one and I know there are millions of american muslims out there who are independent and they will not vote for any republican for the same reason.The republican party seems to be against the rest of the world including latinos,african americans,muslims,french and even american babies who happend to have a mexican parent. You have lost my vote!

    1. Mohamed,

      Please be assured that not ALL of us, who vote Republican agree with these Far-Right wing extremists.

      …and before anyone asks. I checked; this man is in America….

      Thanks for the comments sir.


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