The Other McCain has arrived in Alaska!

This ought to be good:

Good news: It’s only $60 a night.

Better news: The local crack whores seem to have called it an early night, so it’s quiet. There’s free WiFi and free coffee in the lobby. I’m not complaining.

via Greetings From Anchorage! : The Other McCain.

Like I said, this ought to be really good. If McCain manages not to get arrested; he will be bringing some awesome coverage from Alaska and the Joe Miller campaign. I encourage you to bookmark McCain’s site and stick a few bucks in his tip jar. Because the last thing we need is McCain whining about not being able to get home. Worse yet, the man is getting old; and there’s nothing worse, than an old man getting his tail kicked by his old lady. 😛 😀 😉

Stay Tuned.