This is just breaking across Robert Stacy McCain twitter Feed:

I am trying to get info on his condition.

Anyhow, this means that Robert Stacy McCain might need the extra funds. So, head on over and hit his TipJar. I’m sure he has insurance. But, in times of need, we have to put others first. This is big. I will try to get info on his condition.

Update: Does anyone have any contact information for RSM? If you do, drop it at the contact form on the contact me page of this blog. I’d like to call the man. I cannot find any info for him anywhere. 🙁

Also, no blog posting…yet.

Update #2: Still no word on McCain and no Blog Posting as of 1:04am EST

Update #3: Finally, Here is the Blog posting:

Last night, just after 11, I decided to go to the store.

And hit a deer.

The car that my son worked so hard to fix?

The car I just spent $700 to fix?


The insurance probably won’t pay as much as we owed on it.

So . . . the trip I’d planned to Delaware today is canceled.

Probably no BlogCon, no 9/12.

Probably no more travel for weeks, even months.

Completed immobilized, just at the onset of the campaign season.

An irretrievable disaster.

I’m emotionally wiped out.

Update #4: I also received word from the Mrs. Other McCain via facebook, I sent her a message after frantically trying to reach Mr. McCain last night:

Thank you for your concern, its nice to know that Stacys friends are there.

I think he is fine. He is still asleep, I know he is heart broken. This too shall pass, what does not kill us will make us stronger!! lol

I am thankful that he and the boys are ok. God is good.

aka..Mrs. The Other McCain.

I have admire that woman’s positive outlook. 😀