Open Message to President Obama: Thank You, Very Well Done.

No matter what your political leanings are; This was very, very, well done.

Via the White House Blog:

I realize that my personal political leanings are not the same as the President of the United States and I have been quite vocal about that here. But this time, the President did the right thing. He came out, and said nothing. Just silence and humble respect. That is what a leader does and the President acted like a leader — that my friends is worthy of respect from everyone.

I have read that the President wants to comment on the shooting in AZ. I surely hope that this is not the case, it is not his place. Let those who are paid to pontificate do so, and leave the politicking to the pundits. The President should be above all that and be the leader of the Country and of the free world.

Again, Mr. President — you did well here. Keep it up. 🙂

I will be sending a copy of this link to the White House. Hopefully, someone there reads it.

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