Republican Wall of Shame

This comes via The Libertarian Party’s National Website:

The Libertarian Party presents:

Republican Wall of Shame plackard
Republicans claim they want less government, but . . .
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney: Created “RomneyCare” program, similar to ObamaCare.

Mike HuckabeeMike Huckabee: Supported five tax increases as governor, prompting the Club for Growth to label him a “liberal.” George BushPresident George W. Bush: “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.”
Newt Gingrich  

Newt Gingrich: “The evidence is sufficient that we should move towards the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon loading in the atmosphere.”

question mark 

Which Republican president signed massive spending bills that grew federal spending to the largest percentage of GDP in post-WWII history? (Click here for answer.)

John McCainJ 

ohn McCain: Famously suspended his campaign for President to rush back to Washington and vote for bailouts.

Paul RyanCongressman Paul Ryan: Supported 2003 Medicare expansion, No Child Left Behind Act, TARP, GM & Chrysler bailouts, ethanol subsidies. 


Republican Record:

  • Cash for car companies
  • War in Iraq
  • 2003 Medicare drug plan
  • Patriot Act
  • $3 trillion budgets
  • $600 stimulus checks
  • No Child Left Behind Act
  • TARP bailouts
  • Huge deficits
  • Paulson for Treasury
  • Farm & ethanol subsidies


Arnold Schwarzenegger  

Arnold Schwarzenegger: No comment necessary.


(H/T Independent Political Report)