Video: Glenn Beck speaks some very good sense, for a change….

This comes via The Blaze: (Via

Let me go on the record, that I wholeheartedly agree. Now, I do believe that Birthers have a right to believe what they do and I’ve said as much on here. However, if the G.O.P. runs on the platform of “Is Obama a real American?”, two things will happen; One, I will vote libertarian, like I did in 2008 and two, the G.O.P. will get it’s rear kicked again in the 2012 election cycle and Obama will be President, again.

So, Glenn’s right, the birther issue is a suicide pact for the Republican Party.

AllahPundit is also correct, when he says that “The Donald” is playing that “Birther” group like a fiddle for purposes of political expediency. If it becomes clear that Trump is going to run; he will drop that subject like a bad habit. You watch.