Clank! — President’s Limo hits a…. snag?

This is rather funny.

Via the Daily Mail U.K.: (H/T to Memeornadum)

I bet every drive-train mechanic in the world went “Ouch!” and shuttered when that happened. That “CLANK!” was the drive shaft clanking after getting nailed. Either that or it was armor plating that you heard.

Either way, it was not a good day in Dublin; especially for the President.

Ace of Spades and AllahPundit Snark away.

Update: Doug Powers, writing over at Michelle Malkin’s Blog, really pours on the snark:

The “Moe hits Curly in the head with a ball peen hammer” wacky sound-effect is certainly a bonus.


Close enough for Government work. 😉