Breaking News: Attackers of Kenneth Gladney found not guilty!

This is truly a sad day in America.When leftists can attack a black Conservative and get away with it.

The full story at Gateway Pundit.

Click here for the original story reported here, the day it happened.

a live twitter feed on the reaction on twitter:

Needless to say, there are some very unhappy people on twitter right now.

Update: Now a Memeornadum Thread.

Update #2:  I will say this; and this can be taken as my official reaction:

“If the Saint Louis justice system thinks that they were doing the United States of America any favors, by ruling this way — they are dead wrong. This incident and trial,  has been a lightening rod of the Tea Party movement and of the far right for a very long time. I hate to be the one to say it; but here it is — This is the sort of stuff that pushes or inspires lone wolf extremists to do like that which Timothy McVeigh did in Oklahoma City. The liberals have just lit the fuse on this one; I just hope like hell, that they can deal with the fall out. There are some Americans, who when they see that the justice system gives them no relief, they act out. This is one of those sort of times. I do truly hope and pray that common sense and cool heads prevail. But I fear otherwise. Here is hoping that I am terribly wrong and that nothing becomes of this; other than a good deal of bickering on twitter.”

Others: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Jawa Report and Daily Pundit