Memeoramdum Sucks

That’s right, I said it.

Memeorandum got a mention on a U.K. News Blog.

Big fucking deal.

Why do I think that it sucks?

Well, for starters, there is just enough Conservative Blogs on there to keep the Conservatives from bitching about it.

The truth is the only blogs that get on that stupid service are new Blogs or those that get more than 5K hits a day, if you’re between those two groups, you’re basically fucking ignored.

Also, the damn service is ran by a San Francisco Liberal. He tries very hard to hide his bias. But if you’re smart and have the right tools, you can see the fucking bias. He does not fool me at all.

I use it, sparingly anymore. I sign up for RSS feeds, both Conservative and Liberal and Blog about what I see there. I don’t follow the herd anymore, if I get on that… whatever the fuck it is… service, fine, if I don’t, my life does not end.

Honestly, there is more to life that being the star of the show on some sobbish Meme Tag scanner.

List of Bloggers who are licking Gabe Riviera’ s rather large liberal asshole: Buck Naked Politics, Outside The Beltway and The Other McCain, The Moderate Voice, The Impolitic