Stay Classy Ed Morrissey

I’m still tweaking about how Ed basically insulted my family.

Now Ed’s gone to a new low, insulting people born with a disability that they have no control over.

Yes, now Ed is in the same category as Keith Olbermann and MSNBC.

Ed, yammering on over at his little Neo-Con Blog, about how Volvo has invented or is now using a “Auto Break system” on their cars, something that might actually save lives. Yowls out the following remark:

Is this really a good idea?  If everyone had it at the same time, maybe.  Unfortunately, the driver behind the oaf who pays more attention to text messaging than traffic will not have much time to respond to the sudden stop of the car ahead of him.  He’ll likely pay the price for the ADD of the driver ahead of him.  Still, it’s a start — and maybe breaking a few Blackberries will condition drivers to pay closer attention to the task at hand.

If anyone has ever bothered to read my about me page, they would that I was diagnosed at the age of five of having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. If I honestly sat here and wrote about just how much of a living hell of my life was, growing up with this dreadful learning disorder; and how my poor mother and father had to sit and watch their only son, sit and suffer, unable to learn the very basics in Math. This Blog posting would be about 25 pages long.

I ask you, my dear readers, since when it become socially acceptable, chick or in vogue to be able to mock those with Learning Disabilities? It is considered to be socially unacceptable to laugh, mock or make light of someone in a wheelchair with some sort of an disability;  How is it, that we, as Americans cannot and will not extend that same respect to those who have disabilities that are not of the visible kind?

This, my friends is a very telling evidence of the downgrade of society, something that has been prevalent for a very long time.   In the 1940’s President FDR was, essentially a handicapped man. FDR suffered from the ravages of Polio. The thing was, nobody knew about it. Arguably, the press is seen as have pulled of a feat of deception. However, the whole thing could be looked at from another perspective.  This author argues that it was not a feat of deception that President Roosevelt’s handicap was not reported; but rather an expression of respect for a man who essentially brought the United States of America out of a depression, fought and destroyed an enemy and brought America to the forefront,  as a great superpower.  Sadly, that expression of respect is not found in our press, nor in society as a whole today.

Evidence of this can by found in this thing we call the Blogosphere when some political figure dies, either Liberal or Conservative. Just take a look at the comment sections and you will see the downgrade of society.  I could easily blame this on the Liberals, however, I believe it is a greater problem than that. It reflects a looseness of society, our gradual drift away from the God-Breathed principles that are found in the Holy Bible.  In the 1940’s, Americans respected others, they knew how to act, morality still existed. Sadly, those ways of being are simply seen as quaint, and old hat. With advent of the 1950’s and the rock and roll rebellion attitude, went the respect and Biblical principles of the era, that I believe was the greatest era ever.

It is a pity that this Nation will never again, return to the principles of which it was founded upon.