The Classless Left: Exhibit S for Stupid

In today’s installment of the classless left; we have a perfect example of what happens when a leftist blogger cannot come up with a good defense of an rather huge accusation.

As I previously reported, there will be some tapes of that Park 51 imam released to the public on monday, basically showing that he is not as “Moderate” as he claims to be.

So, what do Leftest bloggers do in response to this? But, of course, they play the race card:

Over at entry at a blog called Balloon Juice, owned bu a guy named John Cole, this ass clown writes an entry named “Two Words: Whitey Tape.”

Here is a screen shot of the entry:

This guy, back when I was still a half ass “left of center”, got his undies in a knot over President Bush and switched sides politically basically. At the time, I understood how he felt, still kind of do.

….and now that he’s shilling for the liberal left, he is employing their tactics. Playing race-baiting bullshit games, all the while rooting for potential terrorist sympathizers.  It is a good gig, I guess, if that is what you want to be known as; now before Cole’s sock puppets come after me, let me say this. I am one of the more moderate voices on the right. I’ve been known to “turn fire,” so to speak, on my own side, when I thought they were being overly stupid okay? But this bullshit here is just fucking wrong and I think Cole knows that.

I would call this guy another Charles Johnson; but quite honesty, I think that would be insult….to Charles.